How can I customise my dashboard?
Yes you can customise your dashboard providing the user has the correct permissions!
Users that have been assigned to a dashboard and have the dashboard unlocked are able to customise their dashboard
To view how to enable your users to manage their dashboard have a look at the Manage my Dashboard article..............................(link)
Customise a dashboard
Select the Home menu to display the dashboards assigned.
Select the dashboard you want to customise.
Select Customise dashboard.
Select the + as this will allow you to add a block.
Select the Block from the drop down list you wish to display on the dashboard.
Drag the Block to the position required on the page.
Select the Actions Icon on the Block to display required content in the block.
Select Stop Customising dashboard when you have finished adding blocks.
If you need to go back to the original dashboard before customising select the Reset dashboard to default button.