Can anyone view users? Can I delete a user?
Only a Site Administrator or a user/role with the correct permissions can view a users profile. To view a profile follow the steps below:
To View a Users account
Click Users - Accounts from the Site Administration menu
Click Browse list of users
Search for and find the user
Click on the users name to view their profile.
Again only a Site Administrator or a user/role with the correct permissions can delete a users account.
To Delete a Users account
Click Users - Accounts from the Site Administration menu
Click Browse list of users
Search for and find the users
Click the delete icon (X) next to the users name to open their account
You will be prompted to confirm deletion of the user account
Click Delete to confirm user deletion or Cancel if you change your mind.
Once you have deleted the user their status will be that of deleted user and will be counted for any deleted user purge types you may run.
When a user is deleted all the following information will be deleted (but not limited to) and is not recoverable
Appraisals where the user is in the learner role
User custom fields
Private keys
Customised pages
Seminar signups
360 feedback assignments and responses
Position assignments
Programs & certifications
Will be unenrolled from courses
Will be unassigned from manager, appraiser and temporary manager positions
Will be removed from audience
Will be removed from groups
Messages will be marked as read
If you wish to retain any data you may wish to consider suspending the user instead.